Minimalist Beauty

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Since I Gave Up & Threw Out My Makeup...

I never thought I would be saying this, but I finally have let go of my addiction to makeup.  The reason that I call it an addiction is because I often felt as if I couldn't go without it.  Even though I have had moments of felling good without it, I’ve always kept a small makeup bag of "goodies".  On the days that I felt empowered barefaced, I'd also have thoughts about not being properly polished or professional.  I also believed that I couldn't have been looking my absolute best on those days.

The process towards my freedom from makeup began with healing and balancing my complexion.

When I worked in cosmetics, it was nearly impossible at the time to find a foundation that had the right amount of yellow and red undertones to match my skin tone.  I started formulating my own foundation.  Plus I wanted to have a chemical-free product that matched my skin.

As I learned more about oils high in linoleic acid and began using them, my skin began to improve tremendously.

I remember writing about an experience going out in the evening with my husband without makeup.  I felt so insecure until I saw a picture that we had taken together that night.  I looked fine, even beautiful if I allowed myself to stop looking for faults.

After that evening I tried a one week makeup-free challenge.  It was liberating, and I became accustomed to what I really looked like naturally.  Even once I had freed myself from the need of a fully made up face, I still had to at least have my eyebrows done, lined eyes, bronzer, and/or a bold red lip.

Now years later I decided to free myself from makeup completely.

I'm not performing at the moment, so I no longer need a stash for stage makeup or auditions.  I also have been downsizing a lot this year which I can get into in another article.  So I decided to toss out what little makeup I had left including the ingredients that I was using to make some of the items.  At first I thought I must be absolutely crazy, but now weeks later I'm astonished by what I’m discovering from truly being makeup-free.

Since I gave up makeup my skin has improved even more than before.

I feel that it may have a lot to do with not even allowing natural makeup to be ingested by my pores.  By not having to remove makeup from my skin in the evenings, I'm able to enjoy a gentler skin care regimen.  No longer am I consumed with cleaning my makeup brushes as not to transfer bacteria from my makeup to my face.  My eyebrows have actually thickened up a bit too.

The most rewarding aspect of releasing this obsession has been the peace I've made with myself in the mirror.

I'm still within my first year of being a new mother, so I don't have the abundance of beauty sleep I had available to me before.  Some days I look down right tired, and I'm ok with that.  I haven't missed the idea of concealer or mascara to "make things better".  Since I know I am wonderfully made in the image and likeness of God, I've decided to embrace it fully.

Lastly I love that I have been able to simplify my beauty regimen and what items are in it.  I LOVE minimalism.  Finally giving up makeup has been another step in this direction.

Have you ever struggled with wanting to stop wearing makeup?

Image by Dawn Michelle