Not Enough Closet Space Or Way Too Much Stuff?


Here’s something that I've been thinking about as I've cleared out so much stuff over the past 15 months.  I still have two small bins of things that I just can't seem to get rid of, not to mention more books than I'll ever read, and a few things in my tiny storage closet that I don't seem to pay much attention to.  The two bins actually contain items that still remain after massive consolidation.   Still sometimes I wish I could just blink it away and not have to go through it because I've already done so much!

I've watched these same two bins move from the living room, next to the computer, and now in the bedroom.  Then I think, if only I had more closet space they would neatly stack in the back corner of the closet to only be forgotten until needed, then I could enjoy my "minimalist" apartment minus the two bins.  One bin contains fabric, yarn, and other craft supplies, and the other the famous miscellaneous stash. 

The term miscellaneous is a blatant synonym for clutter. 

Miscellaneous items are usually a mix of things that aren't properly filed or placed, and other things that need to be given away or tossed in the trash. With all the success that I've achieved with the rest of the apartment, I'm surprised that I'm even letting the two bins get to me at all even with the extra books and other items.  I still have more decluttering to do. Decluttering can overwhelm you unless you are completely at peace with the process and the present moment.

My personal closet is currently a small coat closet with a mini storage unit on top.  For an extreme minimalist it would be more than enough space for it all, but I have more purging to do.   So for now I'll answer my own question with not enough closet space because it makes me feel better.  I think I'll start with some of the yarn and fabric that I probably won't do anything with if I'm completely honest with myself.

Is it possible to be insatiable with consumerism as it is with minimalism?  With one you can never have enough and with the other you will always have too much stuff. Finding that perfect balance is my goal.

Contentment may actually be the true goal.

Image by Dawn Michelle


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