Minimalist Beauty

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A Complete Tour of Our Modern Apartment

Hey!  How are you?  Come in.  I'm so glad that you could make it today to see our place.  I've been decluttering our things since 2010 with the hope that one day we could have a place that looked clear and serene, but still had personality and charm.  After spending the day taking photos and preparing them for today's article, I feel even better about the progress we've made over the years.  When I say "we" I mean my husband and I.

It isn't always easy paring things down when others are involved.  I wrote about that in detail sharing a few tips here.

We moved into this apartment this past summer, and I’m finally sharing it with you now literally six months later.  A friend of mine brought me two bouquets of tulips this weekend, so I decided it was the perfect time to take photos of our place.  Fresh flowers always make a home look more inviting.  I had to seize the moment!

If you've seen any of the other home tours, you’ll see how I've used some of the same furniture and decor in different ways over the years to decorate.  We’ve gotten a few new pieces over time, yet we've also gotten rid of even more.  The wall art in the bedroom of course is a DIY.

In general we've pared things down so that all surfaces stay clear except for minimal decor, and everything has its place.

Every evening I take 10-15 minutes to do a quick tidy up, and I put things away like my sewing machine if I've been working on a project, or any other random item that does not belong.  By doing this I always wake up to an organized home unless I saved doing dishes until the morning.  I’m still working on paring down my personal items that I do not use daily or monthly, but so far so good.

Please enjoy the tour!..

Moving into this apartment was the best move that we've ever had to date.  For decluttering inspiration go here.  This month is the five year anniversary of Minimalist Beauty, and what an amazing journey it has been!

I absolutely love the journey of minimalist living!

Images by Dawn Michelle