Minimalist Beauty

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5 Easy Ways To Create Zero Waste

Creating zero waste in your life is an incredible earth loving journey.  It does take a serious commitment especially when society isn't always set up to assist your environmental choices.  If you are new to zero waste, here are 5 super easy ways to start!

1. Use A Double Edge Safety Razor

I'll admit that double edge safety razors look intimidating.  I ordered one anyway as I was determined to eliminate plastic disposable razors completely.  When I started using it, I noticed that the weight of the razor did most of the work, and using old school razor blades gave the closest shave I've ever had!

Now mind you I shave in the direction of hair growth since I have sensitive skin.  I've actually always shaved this way because it prevents irritation.  Also razor blades last an extremely long time and they can be recycled.  No disposable razor no matter how many blades it has can compete.  I bought a safety razor for my husband too and he loves it.  I have no intention of returning to disposables.

Last month I ordered a pack of 50 new razor blades for my safety razor for under $8.  Although the initial purchase of this shaver was a small investment for my zero waste efforts compared to what I used to spend in "fancy" disposables, it is actually much less in the end.  I gave half of the razor blades purchased to my husband, and the other 25 will last me a few years.

2. Keep Stainless Steel Travel Utensils With You

I like to keep a set of stainless steel travel utensils in my bag so that I can avoid using plastic disposable utensils unexpectedly while I'm out.  I used to have a set of bamboo travel utensils which I loved and sadly misplaced.  I do keep a stainless steel straw with my set of utensils too.

3. Get An Awesome Stainless Steel Water Bottle

This is one of the easiest ways to minimize waste while avoiding plastic water bottles.  In Los Angeles there are literally water stores where you can fill up reusable gallon containers of delicious filtered water to store at home.  I’ve also seen and used filtered water stations outside of local grocery stores.

From there I fill up my personal stainless steel water bottle when I'm on the go.  I love my water bottle from Klean Kanteen with a bamboo lid.  I prefer stainless steel over the glass water bottles simply because I'm not afraid it will break if I drop it.  The bamboo lid must be handwashed, but I prefer how it looks.

4. Purchase Secondhand Clothing & Do Clothing Swaps

I've created many capsule wardrobes around secondhand clothing.  It is amazing for my wallet, the earth, and developing my personal style.  Buying secondhand keeps clothing that is still in great condition out of landfills.

I’ve also found that doing clothing swaps with friends to be a great excuse to get together and shop each other's closet of unloved pieces.  When you can't find something secondhand consider organic fair trade clothing items from ethical brands which honestly support the workers who make them.

5. Brush With A Bamboo Toothbrush

Just like disposable razors, plastic toothbrushes create a lot of unnecessary waste.  Bamboo toothbrushes are the best solution to traditional plastic toothbrushes.  I've been using Brush With Bamboo toothbrushes for a few years now and most recently purchased their bamboo travel case for storage and of course travel.

All Efforts Towards Zero Waste Count

Being mindful of how our daily habits and purchases effect the planet really do create a huge impact.  Every day that you aspire towards zero waste plus those who you inspire to also be mindful creates a major impact.  I am far from my goals of zero waste, yet each positive eco friendly choice is commendable.  After sometime zero waste does become so much easier.

Much love!

Image by Dawn Michelle