Minimalist Beauty

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10 Years of Minimalist Beauty

Today represents 10 years since I wrote my first article on Minimalist Beauty. I had started my minimalist lifestyle journey a few months prior to starting this blog. I was determined to create a new way of thinking and living so that I could pay off $20,000 in debt. My debt was from excessive consumerism on clothing and cosmetics as well as my car note. In less than a year and a half I had paid my debt down to $770. By the end of that year my debt was completely paid off.

Minimalism isn't just a decor aesthetic, or having a certain number of possessions. Minimalism is a beautiful way to clear out the chaos of materialism and obligation while getting one step closer to your true heart's desires and values in life.

During my journey I had to face my shopping addiction and the insecurities I had accumulated from being a dancer in the Hollywood entertainment industry. I focused heavily on simplifying my beauty regimen and style so that I was no longer consumed with the latest beauty cosmetics plus newest fashion trends since that was where much of my money was going previously.

I started making my own organic beauty products, and I started thrifting and creating capsule wardrobes instead of buying fast fashion.

I then had to stop obsessing over having the perfect wardrobe. This process took years, and I still have to check myself from time to time. Still I am far from where I used to be. Much of this freedom stems from no longer being in the entertainment industry and living in Los Angeles.

One of the most apparent transformations from my mimalist lifestyle journey has been how my home looks and feels.

Even with a toddler, there is peace and order in the look of my home. Being a mother in itself isn't always peaceful and orderly, but my home doesn't look anything like I feel, so that's a huge accomplishment. Before this minimalist journey was solely my own, but now it is a lifestyle that my family has adapted.

Above is a picture of our living and dining space in our new home in Raleigh, North Carolina.

This big move truly has been a huge blessing. This apartment doesn't have the best natural lighting, so a complete home tour may not be until the spring when the days are longer and brighter. Natural lighting makes photography so much easier. If I can figure things out earlier, I'll will share it sooner.

Minimalism has freed me from being obsessed with home decor and I'm still loving our bare walls.

We haven't bought any new art to hang since our move, and I haven't created any myself. We moved with only the bare essentials of what fit into a large suitcase, two carryons and what fit in the trunk of my husband's car which was shipped. Having very minimal decor in general allows cleaning the home to be much easier. Currently there are only three surfaces to clean... our low dining table and the bathroom and kitchen countertops. Keeping these surfaces clear makes cleaning again even easier.

Our furniture consists of only four main items... a Japanese style shikibuton mattress, a loveseat, a low dining table with floor cushions, and a children's table and chair.

Minimalism has helped me create order when life gets crazy, and helped me stay focused on the task at hand. I had no idea when I started this blog that my life would change so drastically for the better. These past ten years has had its ups and downs, yet I am grateful for this mindset which embarking on a minimalist lifestyle has helped me with. I never expected to be a mother working from home running this Minimalist Beauty blog with an organic skin care line. It's been a lot to juggle, but God gets all the glory!

I hope that these past 10 years of Minimalist Beauty has been a blessing to you in some way. I'm truly looking forward to what 2020 will bring, and I look forward to sharing more of my journey with you.

Image by Dawn Michelle