Minimalist Beauty

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"Electric" Alkaline Foods VS Hybrid Foods

I’m constantly doing research to gain information about truly healing my body.  The appearance of health may be the goal for some, yet actually thriving has always been my own goal.  We know that an alkaline diet creates health within the body, therefore removing all acidic, mucus forming, and man made foods seems like the best approach.  We've also heard "you are what you eat", but what if some of these "natural" foods we've been eating are also man made?  I'm not talking about processed foods, or GMO food versus organic food, I'm talking about artificial hybridization.

So many people are sick with "incurable" diseases, and modern medicine isn't actually healing anyone.

If you want a treatment to pacify symptoms, then modern medicine is the way to go.  Isn't it much easier taking medications than changing how you eat or your lifestyle anyway?  Over time synthetic medications slowly deteriorate the body from the inside out, are addictive, and keep your hard earned money circulating in the pharmaceutical industry.  If you want to actually heal your body, you need more information.  Paying attention to what you eat and how the food is prepared is the most important step.

It's so funny to me how attached we are to certain foods, yet we should be eating to live not the other way around.

I believe that eating alkaline food is the determining factor to health, not supplements and exercise alone.  The three components to truly life giving foods are carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.  These three components naturally create alkaline "electric" foods as Dr. Sebi a world renown herbalist refers to them.

I was looking at iridology charts last week while noticing some of the color variations in my own eyes.  My green eyes have always had an orange ring around the pupil.  Iridology states that an orange ring around the pupil is an indicator of a difficulty digesting starch.  Starch isn't a natural food and is actually man made.  After that discovery, it made perfect sense why my body had issues digesting starch.

Hybrid foods do not contain a naturally occurring molecular structure, and instead are high in sugar and starch.

Artificial hybridization is creating a new plant from two or more wild plant species in nature.  Starch is used to bind the spliced genes of two natural plants together to form a hybrid plant.  Artificial hybridization has been occurring since ancient times, yet that doesn't make them necessarily the best foods to eat biologically.

The more foreign substances inside our body, the more mucus our body creates to protect us.  Yet when we fill our body with nothing but foreign foods this can get out of hand.  Excessive mucus in the body is the primary cause of all illness and disease.  Processed foods, genetically modified foods, pesticide laden foods, and hybrid foods do not allow the body to thrive as they are biologically incomplete and/or contain toxins.

A few common hybrid foods include seedless fruits, grapefruit, cabbage, beets, carrots, corn, potatoes, celery, cauliflower, rice, wheat, soy, wheatgrass, most beans, comfrey, garlic, peppermint, and aloe vera.

Definitely do more of your own research.  It's all about asking the right questions.  It's formulating the questions that can be challenging at times though.  I'm making many changes on my healing journey and will share any other discoveries along the way.  Whether you remove hybrid foods from your diet or not, knowledge always is power.  Eating as many whole organic foods is still better than processed genetically modified foods any day though.

Healing the body from the inside out manifests more beauty than any cosmetic can create.

Much love!

Sources:  The future of starch bioengineering: GM microorganisms or GM plants?The Science of Hybrids & History of Plant Breeding

Image by Dawn Michelle