Minimalist Beauty

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DIY Hand and Nail Care

This article contains affiliate links from my favorite brand Mountain Rose Herbs. I love their high quality organic/fair trade products, and am blown away by their commitment to zero waste.

Especially during the colder months of the year, taking care of our hands and nails is crucial.  My hands usually get extremely dry during this time a year.  They are constantly exposed to all of the elements, not to mention how dry it can get indoors with the heat on.

Dry hands usually also mean dry nails, which can lead to brittle nails which can split and break easily.  By whipping up a few natural hand and nail care treatments, hand and nails will look their best.  Here are a few of my favorite remedies.

DIY Hand and Body Butter

What you will need…

On the stove melt shea butter, cocoa butter, and grapeseed oil (preferably in a double boiler) on the lowest setting.  Once the butter and oil have melted turn off the stove and stir.  Wait a few minutes.

Now add vanilla absolute or any essential oils to add natural fragrance to your hand and body butter. (Look here for other natural fragrance combination ideas.)  Now pour into a small glass container.  You can use one 8-oz jar or three 2-oz tins and give as gifts. Refrigerate until solidified.

Papaya Cuticle Soak

What you will need…

  • 2 tbsp of papaya juice

  • 2 tbsp of yogurt

To make:

In a blender, combine the juice and yogurt. Run blender on the highest setting for 2 minutes. You can also mix by hand.

To use:

  1. Pour juice mixture into a small finger bowl.

  2. Soak each hand in the juice mixture for 5 minutes, then rinse with tepid water.

  3. Dip an orange stick into an oil (another recipe below), then use it to push back the cuticle on each finger.

  4. Massage the oil into the cuticle.

Yield: 1 treatment

Fabulous Fingernails Oil

What you will need…

To make:

Combine all oils and resin in a small amber glass bottle (Boston round) and mix thoroughly by shaking gently.

To condition nails:

Use a cotton swab to apply and massage liberally to your nails and cuticle.

Yield: 2-month supply

What is your favorite natural remedy for hand and nail care?

Image by Mountain Rose Herbs