Minimalist Beauty

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Decision Fatigue From What To Wear

The more I have in my closet, the more frustrated I feel when it comes to getting ready each morning. Too much for me means more than 15 carefully curated pieces for a season. This has just been my recent observation. I'm learning that the less decisions you make in the morning, the more efficient your decisions are throughout the day.

When you overload yourself with too many decisions, you can experience decision fatigue.

Decision fatigue is a reduction in quality decisions made after a long series of decisions. Not wasting important decision making on what to wear saves successful professionals a longer span of time making good decisions. Some examples are Steve Jobs (a black turtleneck and jeans), Mark Zuckerburg (a grey tee and jeans), President Barak Obama (a grey or blue suit), and Karl Lagarfeld (a high collared white shirt and black blazer). They've all chosen a very specific uniform to eliminate the decision completely. They've also eliminated the decision of what to buy which saves more precious time and energy.

I haven't heard of too many women who do this, but it has been something I've done in the past. One summer while in college I remember wearing only white tops and navy bottoms. I don't remember ever feeling bored, but I've yet to do it to that extreme since. The more I dived whole heartedly into minimalism, the more I’ve witnessed how simplifying everything improves my quality of life.

Many times we fill up our wardrobe because we honestly believe if we have more choices we will be happier.

Happiness is never a result of accumulation. I've experienced the exact opposite in general and in my wardrobe. The more I have, the more I need to coordinate with, and the more I want. The process of shopping and coordinating a wardrobe is time and energy consuming.

A simple personal uniform is resonating with me now more than ever. It just makes sense for me to have a few similar outfits of exactly what I love to wear. This also eliminates the decision of what to buy in the future. You just pick exactly what you love to wear, in your best colors, and call it done. The simpler the better.

Choosing a specific personal uniform is in my mind mastering your personal style.

If every small decision can create overall decision fatigue, creating a uniform could greatly impact your productivity throughout the day. The whole purpose of beginning a minimalist lifestyle was to simplify my life. Decision fatigue greatly diminishes with less options to begin with.

I know some of you create capsule wardrobes, but what about creating a uniform? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

Image by Dawn Michelle