Minimalist Beauty

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ACNE - A Symptom of Toxicity

Acne is often a symptom of toxicity in the body.  When toxins can’t be eliminated through other means, toxins will literally purge through our largest organ, our skin.  It frustrates me so much how many medical professionals only treat symptoms and rarely get to the root cause of the problem.  I've heard too many stories about dermatologists not inquiring in detail about diet, stress levels, emotions, or possible hormonal imbalance, and instead prescribe harsh topicals to only treat the symptom.

Harsh acne topicals and oral medications for acne are a very superficial way to address acne.

It's time to take a look at the imbalances which may be occurring within our bodies, and stop focusing so much on the actual blemishes alone.  When one is dependent on acne topicals/oral medications for results, true healing has not occured.  It’s through healing and balancing our bodies on the inside that our skin will reflect that beauty we all desire.  Let's stop looking for quick fixes and take our actual health to the next level.  Amazing health correlates with beautiful skin!

I believe that there are five major causes for acne:  poor gut health from processed foods, hormonal imbalances, stress, contact dermatitis, and negative emotions usually anger.

There is no quick fix for healing acne because it takes time and consistent dedication to fully heal internal imbalances.  True lasting results for healing acne come with addressing all five potential major causes of acne in the first place.  It’s also possible to have your results fluctuate during the healing process because life fluctuates and changes.

The best place to start is eliminating processed foods, checking the ingredients of the skin care/makeup products you are using, and beginning a gentle detox.  Acne must be addressed both inside and out.  One MAJOR discovery that has helped me and so many readers is only using oils high in linoleic acid.  I created my organic skin care line based on this scientific study.

Read more on acne and healthy skin principles and let your healing journey begin!

Image by Dawn Michelle